Wednesday 14 October 2015


Church of Satan: Third Side Intelligence

In his essay "The Third Side: The Uncomfortable Alternative" (Satan Speaks, Feral House, 1998), Magus Anton Szandor LaVey shatters the commonly-held notion that there are "two sides to every issue," and defines the Satanic perspective as the Third Side. It is from this pespective that our articulate members will present to you their individual commentary on current events, media, politics, and culture.
For centuries mankind has formed clandestine cabals sharing arcane lore and forbidden rites. At times the uninitiated have glimpsed the secrets shared by captains of industry, back-room dealers, and men of science fueled by forward-thinking philosophies. We now fling wide those concealing curtains to bring you expressions of Satanic thought. Welcome to Third Side Intelligence.
You will find the most recent posts from our official Third Side Intelligence feed, found at, below. We are displaying them here for your ease of reviewing our current media briefs, without leaving our website.
Posted on Wednesday October 07, 2015

Listening to Gilbert Gottfried: A Worthwhile Torture

Ever since the launch of Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast, I have been overwhelmed by a reluctant urge to spread the word. Perhaps unfortunately, I’ve decided that I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Gottfried is what some might call “stuck” in the past. In this case, that unfashionable attitude is a Satanic virtue. His guests are showbiz veterans who share his old-fashioned obsessions, often having played a part in that very history. Gottfried and his co-host also review films, a number of which happen to be on the Church of Satan’s recommended viewing list.
Combining irreverent humor with reverence for the comedy and horror that influenced him as a budding entertainer, Gottfried embodies what we call ECI: Emotional Crystallization Inertia. The “E” can also stand for “erotic,” but with a voice like Gilbert Gottfried’s, that goes without saying.
Gottfried has even appeared in a show ID bumper for The Devil’s Mischief, another excellent comedy podcast, produced by our own Magister Bill M. (I think he did this to clean up his sometimes controversial image.) His rants also influence my own work on Between the Horns, part of the 9sense podcast.
I’ve been binge-listening to this show lately. Even when I’m not familiar with the guest, it’s a laugh riot with plenty of insights for comedians and other creative… can I say souls? Anywho, turn down the volume and tune in to this podcast. It’s more than worth every ear-withering decibel.
—Warlock M. A. Mandrake
Posted on Saturday September 05, 2015

Surrealistic Inspiration for Satanists

As an artist, I often compare our legitimate claim to Satanism as similar to the Impressionists’ embrace of a label that had previously been intended as an accusation. But our proactive stance in defining Satanism is also reflected in the foundational text of my favorite artistic movement:
“Those who might dispute our right to employ the term SURREALISM in the very special sense that we understand it are being extremely dishonest, for there can be no doubt that this word had no currency before we came along. Therefore, I am defining it once and for all…” —André Breton, The Surrealist Manifesto (1924)
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The Surrealists defined their movement from a truly Surrealistic point of view. That is what the Church of Satan has, for half a century and counting, done for Satanism.
(While I am on this topic: Surrealism is among the creative approaches mentioned by Magus Peter H. Gilmore in his essay “Satanic Aesthetics” from The Satanic Scriptures. This is a worthwhile read for any Satanist interested in the artistic expression of his or her unique worldview.)
—Warlock M. A. Mandrake
Third Side Intelligence is a series where members of the Church of Satan present their individual commentary on current events, media, politics, and culture.
Posted on Friday September 04, 2015

The Feigned Martyrdom of Kim Davis

The death throes of righteous Christianity—that arrogant belief system used to forcing others to bend to its irrational dogmas—offer its more masochistic adherents the opportunity for martyrdom through punishment they so richly deserve, but not for the reasons they claim.
According to the New York Times, Ms. Davis’ lawyer, Roger Gannam, believes she has been incarcerated for her “belief of conscience that marriage is the union of one man and one woman”. This is incorrect, she’s in jail because she refuses to do her job and is being held in contempt of court for acting as if she’s above the rule of law. Unfortunately the media is giving this miserable failure the gift of fame and notoriety well beyond her sub-mediocre capabilities. While the spotlight happens to shine on this one dimwit, who wants to place the dictates of her mythical God above the law of the land, the success of a certain parody Twitter account reveals a level of sympathy for those who have to put up with such banal solipsism on a daily basis.
—Reverend Raul Antony
Posted on Wednesday September 02, 2015


The New York Times reports on a sculpture exhibition in the town of Highland Falls, just outside of the United States Military Academy at West Point, which includes Joseph Jaskolka’s piece titled “Ahriman Crowned” amongst a more typical gathering of contemporary works chosen by a curatorial committee, all meant to symbolize leadership and wisdom. It stands across from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, seemingly pointing towards it and thus unnerving some of the parishioners.
From the article:
Mr. Jaskolka said the sculpture, named for the Zoroastrian spirit of destruction, was a personification of the negative forces of materialism in 21st-century society. “Our culture is dominated by these influences,” he said. “ ‘Ahriman Crowned’ symbolizes the loss of spirituality and individualism within the human soul.”
Mr. Jaskolka’s art is inspired by ancient mythology and includes very primal figures, including a potent Minotaur Bound. Made of roughly-hewn stone, Jaskolka’s work, which he began creating in 2009, might remind one of the stone Watchers from Aronofsky’s film NOAH (2014).
While this piece is intended to critique aspects of modern culture that the Roman Catholic Church would also oppose, I find it amusing that their immediate reaction is that it is an homage to their Satan, a figure related to the myth of Ahriman. As we diabolists know, Anton LaVey included Ahriman amongst the roster of Infernal Names in The Satanic Bible, to be used in rituals of Greater Magic meant as cathartic psychodrama, rather than rites of Devil worship.
In Satanism, which is a carnal religion, we find that our reason, pragmatism and positive materialism lead us to have quite a strong sense of individualism. And we don’t believe in souls, nor think such a concept necessary to champion the value of one’s unique consciousness.
While the mythological Ahriman has a different significance to us than to the artist, I enjoy that Jaskolka’s statues, which have been voluntarily displayed in various public locations, have the power to cause controversy as they challenge their beholders to think, and that’s surely a proper purpose for successful works of art. The artist’s manager, Darren Nelson, has informed us that this piece can be purchased for $66k, in case any of our readers would like to give this bold embodiment of the “dark spirit” a permanent and fitting home.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Pertinent Links:
New York Times article.
Joseph Jaskolka Sculptures
Ahriman Crowned

Posted on Monday August 24, 2015

Planned Parenthood Panic?

On Saturday, August 22, Christian groups protested in front of Planned Parenthood clinics across the United Sates whom they’ve accused of abetting the illegal sale of fetal tissue for profit. One group of activists milked this situation for media attention with a theatrical stunt opposing the protestors, resulting in them being deemed black-robed devil worshippers by journalists who did not grasp the intent of their symbolism. Anti-abortion activists previously infiltrated Planned Parenthood locations to film employees and clients and edited their comments together as a means for whipping-up a nationwide campaign to curtail funding for this organization which in their own words promotes “a commonsense approach to women’s health and well-being, based on respect for each individual’s right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning.” Additionally they point out that they are “America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care. Our skilled health care professionals are dedicated to offering men, women, and teens high-quality, affordable medical care.” For those with a realistic view of human behavior, their mission is one that fulfills many needs.
Planned parenthood denies these accusations. It should be noted that mechanisms for supplying fetal tissue for medical research have long been in place, since it serves to assist researchers in working towards cures for eye diseases, muscular dystrophy and diabetes, amongst other maladies. The science is not yet in place for using adult stem cells in these studies, but that is being sought as it seems even more promising for establishing methods that could assist millions of people suffering from diseases. One must wonder whether folks who would deny fetal tissue for research would avail themselves of cures which arose from such studies for illnesses they themselves might have?
Opponents of abortion and birth control seem to support the “every sperm is sacred” thinking so aptly lampooned by Monty Python in their film The Meaning of Life. Because of their frenzied passion for preserving the existence of zygotes, we’ve witnessed anti-abortionists harassing women who sought help at Planned Parenthood health centers and, from their extremists, the murder of doctors who perform abortions and even the bombing of clinics offering women safe and sanitary abortions. These people who absurdly call themselves “pro-life” include fanatics who are willing to extinguish the lives of adult human beings with whom they disagree in favor of unborn potential lives. And they think that their God supports such actions. These days one might more accurately recognize this as a form of theism-generated terrorism.
It would be far more in line with their stated principles to raise funds for organizations meant to care for unwanted children and pay for their feeding, clothing, upbringing, and education until they can be adopted by families who would look after them until they can become autonomous, self-supporting members of society. Of course, the costs involved in such efforts would be astronomical. And we must bear in mind that when the Roman Catholic Bon Secours nuns in Tuam, Ireland ran a “Home” for unwed mothers and their children from 1925 to 1961, that those women were essentially forced into indentured servitude and many of their children died of neglect and malnutrition, as 800 children’s skeletons dumped in a cistern have proven. So with that track record, one cannot trust these so-called “lovers of life.” Their contemporaries take the easy (and cheaper) route, bullying women to bear children they are reluctant to raise who may eventually be put up for adoption or simply shuffled from foster home to foster home. Somewhat better than starvation and burial in a sewer, certainly. Far better, for many reasons, to teach and encourage contraception.
The philosophy of the Church of Satan supports medical research as we Satanists do not believe in an afterlife and consider our vital existence to be of paramount importance—we’d like to live long and healthy lives. Our philosophy advocates responsible freedom of sexual activity amongst consenting adults, meaning that Satanists who chose to engage in sex would be mindful of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and would employ contraception should procreative sexual acts be enjoyed when pregnancy was not the intended goal. Here in the 21st century there is no mystery about the biology surrounding human sexuality and thus the readily available contraception is expected to be utilized by our adherents. If contraception is not at hand, Satanists are sexual connoisseurs who know that there are many forms of erotic pleasure that don’t result in pregnancy.
Our fundamental principle of being completely responsible for our actions dictates that for Satanists all parenthood should be planned, an endeavor taken up when the intended parents have determined that they are both emotionally and financially able to handle the task of raising one or more children—and that would include adopted children as well as one’s biological offspring. For children under the care of Satanist parents, educating them towards being intelligent participants in the social contract of the societies in which we live would also include communicating accurate information about human biology as part of their general education.
Satanists find that in a world wherein religions often wish to keep children and young adults ignorant about the consequences of sexual activity, thus resulting in unplanned pregnancies, that supporting an organization like Planned Parenthood becomes an important consideration. Since many people in our society do not share our commitment to forethought and responsibility, many Satanists support sex education in public schools as worthwhile to combat religion-imposed ignorance. We understand that organizations such as Planned Parenthood can provide additional worthwhile services to young people in need of education, counseling and contraception as well as point them to clinics where safe abortions might be obtained when needed. While Satanists and their offspring should be savvy enough not to be bringing unwanted children into the world, we can see that we are a minority in a society wherein lack of knowledge and irresponsibility has lead to many pregnancies and births, producing infants who don’t have the support from their progenitors needed to grow to their full potential as individuals.
In the wake of these Christian actions regarding the accusations against Planned Parenthood, we’ve noted a disturbing instance in which a web site for The Lepanto Institute, purporting to be “dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within,” has published an interview with a man claiming to be an “ex-satanist” who states that he was involved in performing abortions intended as sacrifices to The Devil, whom he clearly believes to exist. We immediately recognize this as a revival of the bogus tales spread by evangelical Christians during the 80s-90s in what we call “The Satanic Panic.” Long debunked as fraud and urban legend, the concept that a global conspiracy of devil worshippers endorsed by Satan himself with adherents performing heinous crimes is clearly fictional. Back then it was embraced by many, especially since these fraudulent claims were accepted unquestioningly by journalists and talk show hosts both nationally and locally in the US and the UK. I spent many hours opposing such nonsense on radio and television back then. In this piece, which is crafted as a regurgitation of stories told by evangelist (and “comedian”) Mike Warnke in his 1978 book The Satan Seller, “Zachary King” claims that after playing Dungeons and Dragons and being a fan of Star Wars and Star Trek that he joined the “World Church of Satan” and attained the rank of “High Wizard,” doing spells for celebrities and the wealthy. Of course this is a laughable, implausible fantasy, but such drivel has been embraced in the past. Warnke’s book sold well amongst those wanting to believe in this fiction and “King” claims he’s writing a book which may serve to generate income for him from today’s gullible readers.
Now, we Satanists won’t fall for this bunk, particularly since we are mindful of Satanic Sin number 7: “Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies—Be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something new and different, when in reality it’s something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package.” But others likely won’t be so perceptive and may swallow this stale story whole. At this point there are others outside of Satanism who will also rise to point out such tales to be false, but I do find it perturbing that such a complete resurrection of Warnke’s nonsense is now being offered by a group with dubious credentials. Both web site and interview resemble the parodistic articles found on The Onion. As the faithful attack aspects of society that prevent them from imposing their beliefs on others, they offer fantasy to frighten people into obedience. That’s always been their modus operandi, so we’re not fooled, and there are now more who stand with us as skeptics and freethinkers. We’ll be watching to see who falls for the scam this time around.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Pertinent Links:
Planned Parenthood
Bon Secours Nuns in Tuam, Ireland
The Lepanto Institute
Mike Warnke
Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life
Posted on Monday August 17, 2015

Last night on Last Week Tonight John Oliver took on the tax-free...

Last night on Last Week Tonight John Oliver took on the tax-free televangelist industry, noting how these hucksters can pull in huge audiences and sucker them into handing over all their cash and not have to pay a cent in taxes since they are hiding under the banner of religion. This is especially interesting as Oliver has a huge audience himself whose outrage has translated into real world impact on more than one occasion. NYC changed bail requirements for low-level offenders and the FCC was completely overwhelmed with support for net neutrality thanks to previous Oliver rants. As this aired less than 24 hours ago it’s far too soon to know what, if any, results will come from it—and this might be too idealistic—but I for one can only hope this sparks similar action and politicians are forced to reconsider this fraudulent system and begin thinking about making churches pay their fair share just like everyone else.
—Reverend Sean Bonner
Posted on Wednesday August 12, 2015

Satanist Methodists?

On Monday, August 10, Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith, in what seems to be an attempt to insult United Methodist pastor Hannah Bonner, said: “Why don’t you go back to the Church of Satan that you run?” Reverend Bonner has been active for roughly the past month in an ongoing protest against the death of Ms. Sandra Bland in the Waller County Jail, maintaining a presence with fellow activists of varying belief systems in the nearby parking lot. A few minutes later Sheriff Smith pointed to Bonner, who was filming him with a camera, and referred to her as “the Church of Satan lady.”
Unsurprisingly, this prompted an open letter from “United Methodists in support of Sandra Bland and Rev. Hannah Adair Bonner,” asserting their significant local numbers as well as their faith in Jesus Christ, not Satan, stating that their public mission is "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Hardly an endorsement of diabolism.
We who are actually Satanists—pragmatic atheists who view Satan as a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism—are well acquainted with such behavior as Christian denominations throughout history have accused one another of being “Of the Devil,” even to the extent of persecuting, torturing and exterminating rival sects, though all claim to be worshippers of the same mythical deity and his sacrificial son.
Here in the USA in 21st Century Texas, when one Christian wishes to denigrate another via association with things Infernal, he cannot put his victim to the rack and stake as has been done so many times in the past. Yet one can observe the same hostile motivation is still present, though it currently does not result in physical torture and murder of the accused. That may be considered some measure of progress towards civilization.
Satanists do exist—the Church of Satan now being in its 50th year of existence—and both the Sheriff and the Methodists seemed to have missed out on the fact that we don’t have faith in Satan, rather we have confidence in ourselves to be the captains of our destinies. Confusing a theist with we atheists is something that both parties would find distasteful. However, it should be noted that Satanism champions justice and promotes skepticism and reason as tools towards an ongoing search for understanding. Concerned Satanists would thus support a thorough investigation of the circumstances of Ms. Bland’s death, and then for justice to be dealt according to the carefully and scientifically determined facts of this case.
Sheriff Smith’s remarks successfully insulted Rev. Hannah Adair Bonner, albeit through their mutual misprision of the philosophy of the Church of Satan. Yet I find it interesting that he inadvertently identified in her actions what we’d consider a genuinely Satanic dedication for determining the truth and exacting justice accordingly.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Pertinent links:
View the videos of Sheriff Smith on this Houston Press article posted Tuesday, August 11.

Read the complete August 11th open letter response on the United Methodist Insight page.
Posted on Wednesday July 29, 2015

HELL’S BELLS: Satanic Weddings

With the recent SCOTUS decision allowing legal same-sex marriage throughout the USA, certain religious groups have rushed to condemn this position. In contrast, the Church of Satan welcomes this landmark ruling. During our Year 50 Conclave (held this past Walpurgisnacht in Washington, DC) our Reverend Lee Crowell, who resides in Virginia, discussed his successful 2012 legal battle to be allowed to officiate at weddings, one part of his responsibilities as an ordained Priest in the Church of Satan. While ministers of many faiths typically are granted this privilege without question, Crowell—a successful attorney—had to contest the initial denial, even though he is a representative of a church with five decades of existence. Reverend Crowell is interviewed by Magister David Harris regarding this landmark accomplishment on Satanism Today, a monthly segment on 9sense. Click this link to listen.

Above: Reverend Crowell at the Year 50 Conclave
The qualifications to officiate at weddings in the U.S. vary across the states and can even be different from county to county. In New York State (outside of NYC) one may be eligible by being ordained via an existing religious organization. Magister Joe Netherworld (dubbed “America’s Favorite Satanist” in this documentary) performed the first legally recognized same-sex wedding in New York State by a Satanic clergyman in the Fall of 2013. The happy couple publicly re-affirmed their vows in a Beetlejuice-themed ceremony attended by scores of costumed revelers this past Halloween season with Magister Netherworld as proud officiant.
A new frontier is dawning for people wishing to wed and the Church of Satan celebrates couples who may at times be beyond past traditions: “May your bliss be unbounded, and may your love wax ever stronger during your journey together!”
The Satanic Wedding rite is included in my book, The Satanic Scriptures.
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore
Pertinent Links:
Interview with Reverend Lee Crowell
Satanism Today
9sense Podcast
Magus Gilmore on SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision:
Church of Satan Year 50 Conclave
America’s Favorite Satanist
The Satanic Scriptures

Posted on Sunday July 19, 2015


I’m a Street addict, and Meredith Whitney has the good stuff. If you recall, a veritable witch’s brew wafted around her 31 October 2007 report on Citigroup ©, predicting Citigroup would cut its dividend because it was holding too much worthless paper. Some have said that Ms. Whitney is the Oracle of Wall Street. Some CEOs are probably still having nightmares of her flying around on a broom. Ms. Whitney has class and doesn’t call CEOs who cannot comprehend their own books liars, but rather errs on the safe side that they are just dullards. While Whitney had some rough spots, to put it politely, while trying to run her own hedge fund, let’s fast forward to her newest gloom-and-doom scrying—the impending collapse of the municipal bond bubble and her new book, Fate of the States: The New Geography of American Prosperity. I can imagine that there was a cauldron involved of some sort.
Regarding state subsidies that prop-up public pensions and the contrast with private investments that are of a sink-or-swim nature, this interview of her with Steve Forbes echoes the Nekromonger creed, “You get to keep what you kill.” Cf., the film Riddick. Satanists interested in finances will likely get a hoot out of the subtext in other more vanilla parts of the interview:

As Satanists, the poisonous fruit of irresponsibility is obvious. When there are artificially imposed safety nets the perilous heights people ascend to are not so daunting. Per Whitney an estimated $4 trillion in municipal bonds are very likely to default. As Whitney explains, the conventional thinking of investors that bond-holders are always first in line is not always the case, especially in a society that thrives on irresponsible borrowing: “They grab your wallet with the tears,” as Whitney says…. Speaking of irresponsible borrowing, what of the former cradle of Western civilization, Greece?
The Greek crisis is really a blip on the radar, considering some of the statistics and projections concerning the U.S.A. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, no more than 70% of grown men in America work. Authors such as ATOL’s “Spengler” (David P. Goldman) wonder, “What do they live off?” The answer, of course, is the hard-earned money of society’s productive members.  As David P. Goldman writes in the Asia Times, “In the near term, the Greek example probably will discourage populism. In the longer term, the rancor of the spongers threatens the political fabric of the United States as well as Western Europe. The failure of debt-fueled populism in the Third World raises the risks of similar crises elsewhere.”
You can set your watch and warrant on it that “We the People” will go broke bailing out the spongers, and “austerity” will be the catchword of the 21st Century. The poisonous fruit of the tree of irresponsibility eventually poisons all. “Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!” But alas, policy-makers have fallen in love with having a voting bloc beholden to them for goodies. One can imagine that the U.S. will be vampirized and discarded like a desiccated husk. As some say, worse is better.
—Satanist D.P.R.K.
Posted on Thursday June 25, 2015

“The means by which a humanoid may be constructed are as...

“The means by which a humanoid may be constructed are as diverse as the choice of materials will allow.”
—Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Devil’s Notebook.
Decades ago, Dr. LaVey predicted a future industry of android companions. As we are making our way into the second decade of the 21st century, a genuine bond between man and machine is closer than ever. The company that introduced The RealDoll to the world has started a new enterprise called, Realbotix. This new effort brings robotics and artificial intelligence to the RealDoll, with an end goal towards creating the illusion of sentience within the doll enhancing this product’s apparent realism.
The short video “Robotica,” recently posted by The New York Times, gives a startling depiction of how close the worlds of man and machine are now meshing. The video can be seen above.
Some members of society will be shocked from this video, some will be amazed. Some will find it appealing and others will find it appalling. Whatever the rest of the world may think, those familiar with the writings of Dr. LaVey will recognize this as yet another prediction of his that has come to be true. He spent numerous hours modifying and elaborating mannequins, discussing his efforts in his collection, The Devil’s Notebook. Magistra Blanche Barton touched upon this subject in her informative and insightful biography of Dr. LaVey, The Secret Life of a Satanist.
Watch the video above, then refer to the writings previously mentioned. Another case in point in which the world is now discovering what Satanists saw coming long ago.
—Warlock Jimmy Psycho

Saturday 10 October 2015

Information for Prison Chaplains

Information for Prison Chaplains

Below you will find a compact version of the information available on this website. For complete information we suggest you read The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore, and The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton. These books will give you a full grasp of the history of the Church of Satan and Satanism.

Church History

Founded on April 30, 1966 in San Francisco by Anton Szandor LaVey, the Church of Satan is the first above-ground religious organization dedicated to the acceptance of Man's nature as an animal living in a cosmos that is indifferent to his existence. To Satanists, Satan is a symbol who represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as "Evil" by people who believe in and worship external deities. Satanism is thus not Devil worship. There is no belief in God, Satan, the soul, the supernatural or in any form of afterlife. LaVey had a background in the circus and carnival, playing both organ and calliope for the performers and even spent time as a lion tamer. He also worked freelance as a photographer for the San Francisco Police department and thus his earthy experiences led him to reject religions in general as being unrealistic in their beliefs. He saw existing religions as a means for controlling the masses, and since most people seem to want and need some sort of unearthly parental figure, he considered that most religions had been invented to meet that need.
To Satanists, Satan is a symbol who represents pride, liberty, and individualism…”
But LaVey noticed throughout history that there were iconoclastic men, creative thinkers who were not believers, such as Nietzsche, George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, Lord Byron, Charles Baudelaire and others, who saw Satan as not representing "Evil," but as a figure who embodied human resistance to authority, who championed the pleasures of life on earth, who saw through falsehoods and accepted the harsh realities of life. LaVey noted that there was no systematic philosophy that those bright rebels could embrace, so he set out to create it. He began with a "magic circle" of fellow free-thinkers in the late fifties and early sixties, and by the time he had concretized a religion which he even referred to as "Ayn Rand with trappings," it was 1966. Being an experienced showman he chose to announce the formation of his Church of Satan on April 30th, known traditionally as Walpurgisnacht, the night when supposedly the "forces of Darkness" held sway. He called 1966 the "Year One, Anno Satanas" using the Roman numeral one to designate that year. 2011 is thus known as XLVI A.S..
LaVey performed rituals - weddings, baptisms, and funerals - and invited the press, who found the voluptuous nude women who served as "altars of the flesh" to be sensational photo opportunities. He was often interviewed for men's magazines, and in 1969 he published The Satanic Bible, which codified his philosophy and presented rituals which were intended as cathartic psychodramas to release pent-up emotions, rather than as forms of worship. Membership then grew rapidly and thus the organization became international in scope. LaVey's philosophy was meant for motivated people who used their talents for artistic and material success, the movers and shakers of the world. Famous early members included actress Jayne Mansfield and entertainer Sammy Davis Jr.. LaVey attracted a number of rock musicians who were proud to publicly claim affiliation, amongst whom were King Diamond, Marc Almond, and Marilyn Manson.
LaVey remained the head of his organization until his death, writing books, recording his organ playing, and being the subject of several video documentaries. These are detailed on the official home page of the Church of Satan ( At the time of his death on 29 October, 1997, Anton LaVey left the Church of Satan under the command of Magistra Blanche Barton—his consort, mother of his third child, Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey, and chief administrative officer of the Church for the preceding 15 years who at that time was the officially appointed High Priestess. Anton LaVey took the survival of his Church seriously, and had appointed individuals to his Priesthood who could articulate the philosophy and who also had personal success outside of Satanism. So this Priesthood—along with the administrative bodies of the Order of the Trapezoid and the Council of Nine—continued working with Magistra Barton to maintain the Church of Satan. Its mission was (and still remains) the work of transmitting the philosophy worldwide so that anyone who might be by nature a Satanist could have the chance to read the literature and discover the proper label for the type of person they are. On April 30, 2001, High Priestess Barton appointed Peter H. Gilmore as High Priest and Magus, and Peggy Nadramia as Grand Mistress of the Temple—Magistra Templi Rex. On April 30, 2002, Blanche Barton and Peggy Nadramia exchanged positions, so that Magistra Nadramia became High Priestess, and Magistra Barton Magistra Templi Rex, the chair-mistress of the Council of Nine. They all continue to hold these positions today. The headquarters for the organization moved from California to New York City in 2001.

Major Teachings

Essentially, Satanism is at base a rational philosophy of pragmatism, materialism and skepticism, generally promoting a libertarian point of social view with an emphasis on law and order to maintain the "social contract" all people accept by participating in civilization. Satan in Hebrew means the adversary or accuser, and LaVey felt that there was a need for a perspective that opposed all forms of spiritual belief - either Western or Eastern, and that included opposing the then current "occultism fad" that was growing in the mid 1960s. Satanism is a counter-position to spiritual beliefs, since Satanists see themselves as being carnal - they do not believe that there is any form of the spiritual, but that does not mean that Satanists wish to eradicate other religious perspectives, or to convert people of faith. The Satanic position is "live and let live," so long as other religions do not try to force Satanists into their beliefs through involuntary conversion or legislation of them. The American Constitution's principle of separation of church and state is endorsed by Satanists as a wise way to govern, allowing people the freedom of choice to be either religious or secular, without either camp forcing the other into actions which would be counter to their natures or wishes.
Satanists consider that they are born to Satanism. The potential Satanist reads any of the fundamental texts and sees himself reflected in them and thus understands that there are other like-minded people at large in the world. The Satanist view of the human species is that there are people who are from birth either inclined towards the spiritual - wanting guidance from something they wish to perceive as being "above" or "greater" than themselves, or inclined towards the carnal, meaning that they are the center of their own subjective universes and that they take the responsibility for creating their own hierarchy of values, rather than being handed rules supposedly coming from some deity or political authority. The carnal types are generally secular people, often humanists and atheists, and Satanists see themselves as a sub-set of those supporting secular free thought. Satanists are thus not neo-pagans, nor do they consider their philosophy to be a faith, since faith itself is rejected as being a blind belief in forces that do not exist. Reason is championed by Satanists as the tool for understanding existence.
Reason is championed by Satanists as the tool for understanding existence.”
To paraphrase what Anton LaVey explained in his fundamental work The Satanic Bible, Man invented all the Gods, doing so because many humans cannot accept or control their personal egos, feeling compelled to conjure up one or a multiplicity of characters who can act without hindrance or guilt upon whims and desires. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their inventors, personifying aspects of the universe or personal temperaments that many of their followers find to be troubling. Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value. Satanists are thus their own "Gods," and as beneficent "deities" can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver wrath (within reasonable and legal limits) upon those who seek to cause the Satanists—or that which they cherish—harm. This does not mean that Satanists see themselves as having God-like powers. The Satanist is very aware of being human with all the limits that come with being a fragile animal in a society usually ruled by Darwinian modes of competition for survival. Magus Gilmore's essay "What, The Devil?" from his 2006 book The Satanic Scriptures can be read at and it discusses this in greater detail.
Satanism does not promote unbridled hedonism, since such would show a lack of discipline and respect for the rights of others. Instead, Satanism promotes Epicureanism, a self-disciplined approach to indulging with moderation in the pleasures that life offers. "Indulgence, NOT compulsion!" is the Satanic dictate for approaching life. Satanism supports individualism, and since the approach to life is pragmatic, each Satanist must decide for himself which political parties would be most personally beneficial. Satanism does not seek chaos or anarchy in society, but utilizes the ancient Roman standard of "Lex Talionis," meaning that when people misbehave in the eyes of the social order, that the punishment must fit in both kind and degree the crime. Being convicted of a serious crime can be grounds for expulsion of a member or rejection of a membership application.
Satanism endorses all forms of human sexuality between consenting adults, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, bi-sexuality or even a-sexuality. Fetishism is encouraged as a means for sexual expression. Sex with children and non-human animals is forbidden.
Since there is no faith or worship in Satanism, there are no regular services nor any church buildings. The Priesthood functions as authorized spokespersons for the philosophy, not ministers to a congregation. Ritual (called Greater Magic) in Satanism is not worship. It s a tool for emotional well-being, the use of which is optional for each Satanist. Ritual is thus a form of self-therapy, a method for expressing and releasing emotions that might be hindering an individual from enjoying life. The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey details the three basic forms of ritual - avenues for releasing feelings of anger (destruction ritual), sexuality (lust ritual) and grief and sympathy (compassion ritual). That book details the ritual implements that are ideal for either a personal or a group ritual, but ultimately all that is required is the power of the imagination of the person who performs the ritual. Lesser Magic is a term used to refer to how one charms people on a personal basis into doing things according to one's desires, and is a regular practice of Satanists.
The Satanism of the Church of Satan was officially recognized by the government of the United States when it was included in their Department of the Army Manual for Chaplains. The Church of Satan does not endorse or recognize any other beliefs or organizations claiming to be representative of Satanism.

Rites and Ceremonies

There is no worship in Satanism. Animal sacrifice is not permitted in Satanic rites and ceremonies. Ritual - used as a cathartic psychodrama - may be performed at the choice of the Satanist, and the basic texts for this are present in The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. Rituals can be held at any time of the day or night as desired, but should be in a space in which all outside light may be cut off, the light within provided by one or more black candles. The room should offer privacy for the release of emotions verbally and if a lust ritual is performed, masturbation to climax is expected and that should be done in private. It is up to Satanists who decide to ritualize to determine how often ritual might be personally beneficial. Daily meditation on Satanic literature or imagery is possible. There is no special day of the week for Satanists. If a Satanist decides to ritualize on a monthly basis, it is often done on the night of the dark of the moon.
It has been traditional for group rituals to have a nude or semi-nude woman recline on a platform to serve as an altar, but as is stated in The Satanic Bible this is not required. Tools for ritual include the text for the rite, a table or platform to serve as an altar, black candles and an additional white candle if a destruction ritual is performed, a bell, a cup to hold a beverage pleasing to the taste of the performer (it is not required to be alcoholic), a sword (can be substituted with a stick or wand, or just an outstretched arm), gong (or cymbal - only expected for a large group rite), a phallic symbol (for group rites) and water in a bowl (the water can be flicked with the fingers when no phallic symbol is used), paper and pen (for writing a request to be burned in either the flame of a black or the white candle). A fireproof dish is used to hold the ashes of the burned paper. The wall above the altar should have the Sigil of Baphomet (a goat face in a pentagram surrounded by two circles within which are the Hebrew characters spelling Leviathan starting at the bottom point and written counter-clockwise – see the beginning of this document). This could be a simple print out of that graphic mounted on the wall or propped on the altar table in a frame. A medallion with this same symbol should also be worn by all participating. A black robe or cape may be worn, or black clothing. Incense may be employed as well.
Satanists are also free to expand upon, embellish, or contract the standard ritual text as needed so long as such changes respect the philosophy of Satanism.

Private or Solitary Ritual:

Ritual may be done in private or solitary conditions. If the ritual texts from The Satanic Bible or The Satanic Scriptures are employed the sole performer plays the part of the Celebrant or Priest. The suggested ritual implements may be employed, or if they are forbidden to an inmate, then the person may use his imagination but should be allowed to be in a darkened room. A lust ritual would always be done solo.

Corporate Ritual and Study:

In Satanism, group ritual is performed if a number of Satanists wish to ritualize together. If more than one person is doing a ritual together, then one is chosen to play the role of the Priest or Celebrant. Ordained members of the Priesthood of the Church of Satan are not required for ritual. Compassion and destruction rituals may be done with more than one participant. Group ritual is not required by the Church of Satan.

Primary Books / Holidays / Festivals

The books written by the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey, are required reading, with The Satanic Bible (includes basics of the philosophy and ritual practices) being the most important. His other books are The Satanic Rituals (contains rituals for large groups and baptismal rites), as well as The Satanic Witch, The Devil's Notebook, and Satan Speaks which expand on the philosophy. Also important are the books by Blanche Barton: The Secret Life of A Satanist (a LaVey biography) and The Church of Satan (a history of the organization). The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore is essential reading as it discusses ritual (what is required and what can be excluded) and includes the rites for Satanic consecrations, weddings and funerals.
Since Satanism is a self-centered religion, the highest holiday of the year would be the Satanist's own birthday, which needs no ritual but should be spent in doing things a Satanist would enjoy. There is no requirement that a Satanist celebrate any holidays, and there are no hard and fast traditions or rites associated with them. Since Satanism embraces Nature, the other holidays a Satanist might choose to celebrate would be the seasonal turning points marked by the equinoxes and solstices - the dates of which vary from year to year, as well as the mid points between these which can be recognized as the climaxes of each season. In particular, April 30th, called Walpurgisnacht, is the Spring climax and the anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan and is generally noted. Halloween, October 31, is the Fall climax and may be celebrated as a time when one's inner-self might be explored through the use of a costume, or one might recall those of importance in one's life who have died - as was done on that night in European tradition.
Work Proscription Days: None.
Fast Days: None. Fasting has no role in Satanism.
Dietary Restrictions: None. However, since Satanism respects animals, some Satanists may choose to be vegetarians.
Religious Clothing: None required.

Leadership / Meetings

The Church of Satan is not a social institution, rather it is an association of people supporting the philosophy and a trained hierarchy representing and explaining our teachings, so we do not have regular meetings or required worship services. Satanism is about self-discipline and development of talents through study and practice. Satanists who are incarcerated - if they merit such privileges - should be allowed to study subjects of interest, and access to materials which might allow them to write, create art, or play music.
Hierarchy: The Church of Satan has a system of degrees, the criteria for elevation being based not on mysticism or occultism, but on knowledge of practical subjects beyond Satanism, and even more than that, on the application of such wisdom towards measurable ends. Degrees should not be seen as "initiatory steps" which are expected of members since the Church of Satan is not an initiatory organization. No member is required to move beyond Registered Membership. The First Degree denoting Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members. The remaining degrees (from the Second through the Fifth) are not open to application or to request. Our specific standards for them will not be publicly released. The administration watches the progress of qualified members, and may choose to grant recognition to outstanding individuals based on demonstrated excellence in the understanding and communication of Satanic Theory, coupled with significant potent practices in the arena of the real world that have produced superior achievements. People naturally and quite organically rise to particular levels, and we may take note at our discretion.
Our protocol for member interaction is based on the paradigm of a "mutual admiration society,"
Registered Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support the Church of Satan and it requires payment of a $200 fee (check It is important to note that since Satanism embraces law and order, those convicted of a serious crime may be expelled if they are members or forbidden to apply for membership if they are not members. On might consider oneself to be a Satanist if they read and completely agree with the fundamental literature of the Church of Satan, but they are not members unless they formally join. The Church of Satan has no responsibility for or towards anyone who simply proclaims himself to be a Satanist.
Registered Member (no degree)
Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
Witch / Warlock (Second Degree)
Priestess / Priest (Third Degree)
Magistra / Magister (Fourth Degree)
Maga / Magus (Fifth Degree)
"Administrator" and "Agent," are descriptive titles for what people do, not levels of rank, thus they can be held by members with different degrees. "High Priest" / "High Priestess" are the top administrative titles, and can be held only by Fourth or Fifth Degree members.
Those who hold the Third through Fifth degrees are all members of the Priesthood of Mendes and individuals with these titles may be called "Reverend."
An important point of emphasis: Our protocol for member interaction is based on the paradigm of a "mutual admiration society," and this is applied across all levels of our hierarchy. Our members may earn each other's admiration but the behavior of general respect is our functioning basis. We do not expect all of our highly individualistic members to like each other, but we do require that they behave as ladies and gentlemen when dealing with each other in all situations and forums, whether they be on line, in any printed or broadcast media and particularly in face-to-face situations. Interaction is never required, and in the case of extreme disagreement wherein civility apparently cannot be maintained, we expect involved members to cease interaction with each other. Violation of this standard is a ground for expulsion.
An individual who demonstrates a thorough grasp of the philosophy of the Church of Satan, skills in being able to communicate it, and would like to be trained as a contact for local media and other interested parties may be chosen to serve as an Agent for the Church of Satan.
When you fill out your application for further involvement, let us know if you would like to be considered for evaluation as a qualified contact point in your area or for media representation. You should then include materials demonstrating your qualifications, such as samples of your writing and video (via DVD) of yourself in a public speaking mode. Those who are appointed as Agents must demonstrate that they have already been making well-reasoned efforts to publicly clear-up misconceptions regarding our philosophy.
Priesthood of Mendes
These are the individuals who act as spokespersons for the philosophy of the Church of Satan, which include the titles of "Priest" / "Priestess," "Magister" / "Magistra," "Magus" / "Maga." Members of the Priesthood make up the Council of Nine, which is the ruling body of the organization, appointed by and responsible to the High Priest / Priestess. The Order of the Trapezoid consists of the individuals who assist in the administration of the Church of Satan. Members of our Priesthood are people of accomplishment in the real world—they have mastered skills and have won peer recognition, which is how they have attained their position—"as above, so below." They are "movers and shakers" who are the core of our movement. While expected to be experts in communicating our philosophy, they are not required to speak on our behalf and they may even choose to keep their affiliation and rank secret, in order to better serve their personal goals, as well as those of our organization. Thus, you may (even as a member), encounter members of our Priesthood and never know it.
Membership in the Priesthood is by invitation only. The old truism "If you have to ask, you can't afford it" is certainly highly pertinent to our Priesthood. Words to the wise: Do not ask "How do I become a Priest?"


PRIMARY BOOKS: The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey. The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore is also worthy of study. (both are available as paperbacks)
HOLIDAYS / FESTIVALS: None required.
PRIVATE RITUAL: None required. Though, since ritual in Satanism serves as a means for releasing pent-up feelings, it might be considered as a worthwhile option for prisoners claiming adherence to the Satanism of the Church of Satan to have the privilege so that they can reach catharsis and then act in a more relaxed and balanced manner as part of the prison population.
CORPORATE RITUAL: None required, but see "private ritual" above.
DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: None, though vegetarianism is an elective supported by the philosophy.
LEADERSHIP / MEETINGS: No meetings or worship services are required. The literature may be studied and rituals practiced by the Satanist without need for a Church representative being present.
The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals, by Anton Szandor LaVey
The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore
These books are available in paperback from

The Church of Satan's Policy on Politics

The Church of Satan's Policy on Politics

What constitutes the Church of Satan’s stance on any number of political issues is a topic often broached by students working on papers, journalists of varying stripes and intelligence, and other assorted researchers, trolls, or people with some form of axe to grind. Here is what we consider to be the briefest answer:
“As has been said many times before, one’s politics are up to each individual member, and most of our members are political pragmatists. They support political candidates and movements whose goals reflect their own practical needs and desires. Our members span an amazing political spectrum, which includes but is not limited to: Libertarians, Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Reform Party members, Independents, Capitalists, Socialists, Communists, Stalinists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists, Zionists, Monarchists, Fascists, Anarchists, and just about anything else you could possibly imagine. It is up to each member to apply Satanism and determine what political means will reach his/her ends, and they are each solely responsible for this decision. Freedom and responsibility—must be a novel concept for those who aren’t Satanists. We take it in stride. Members who demand conformity from other members to their particular political fetish are welcomed to depart.”
—High Priest Peter H. Gilmore,
from his essay “A Map for the Misdirected
To elaborate for those who have some political ideal which they wish the Church of Satan to tout for them: The Church of Satan does not have an “official” political position. Note that individual members frequently do have political positions.
If Satanists wish to make their own political viewpoints known, then they present their concepts and are prepared to back them up with references and reason in whatever forum being used for this display. If our members decide to debate or dispute each other’s positions, we caution them to take the time to do so in a respectful manner. Remember our primary House Rule.
The Church of Satan is not going to demand that members conform to any particular political point of view, nor should our members expect the Church to assist them in forcing others to assent to their own positions.
If you seek out Satanists in their online or offline haunts, you will encounter individuals who assert positions that span the political spectrum. This includes our members from countries all over the world, each with their own political diversity which might surprise those who have not done their research. For a Satanist to expect, much less demand, consensus on any given issue, beyond basic advocacy of individual liberty within local laws, is an enterprise which is probably as masochistic as it is insane.
The Church of Satan does
not have an “official”
political position.”
So it is wise to always keep in mind that as we’ve said above, the Church of Satan is a loosely knit cabal of individuals whose political opinions may (and do) vary. Those members who wish to involve themselves in politics do so in accord with the political and social ethos they individually uphold. The Church of Satan itself is not a political organization and doesn’t operate as such. There is no requirement that members must involve themselves in any form of political activity whatsoever.
Some naïve idealists seem to think that the Church of Satan as an organization risks irrelevancy if it does not become an advocate of certain political positions—usually their own pet issues which are assumed “must” be shared by other Satanists. This fear is based upon the assumption that the Church of Satan needs to change the world or risk “fading into obscurity.”
Satanism is a deep structure of practical, realizable ideas and most of us find the mantra that “political action is required to justify your existence” is just nonsense. The entire point of Satanism is that the Satanist does not have to change or improve reality, or make the world better, or attract attention from others by struggling to correct what one or others perceive to be the world’s wrongs. The fundamental point of Satanism is that the Satanist can control his own world without having to change anyone else’s first. This is essentially what choosing yourself as your own God is all about.
If there were only one copy of The Satanic Bible in existence, the person who read it and understood it would benefit just as well. There is no need for some collective action or group behavior. The primacy of the individual is assumed throughout Satanic doctrine. It follows then most emphatically that we are not martyrs. We Satanists do not exist to serve any political agenda.
The emotional drive to “change the world” is a common stage of early adult development typically beginning around age 16 and lasting until around age 24. Usually, individuals who become aware as to how the world actually functions—rather than being lost in a fantasy wherein they will be some sort of savior figure—come to realize that idealism (such as changing the world) is less important than the principle of getting what you want for yourself. That latter position should be an obvious development particularly for Satanists since we don’t hide our understanding that Satanists tend to be lone wolves and not herd animals. Because Satanism is intended to respect reality as it is (and not as anyone thinks it “should” be), it usually does not take long for a truly aware Satanist to set aside politics in favor of direct, personal efforts for selfish goals.
Overall, politics simply tends to be viewed by most Satanists as interesting, worthy of attention for upcoming changes, and even fun to play with when appropriate. However it is never a “cause” that we must live for. We, ourselves, our lives and love of life, are the only “causes” that we endorse without hesitation. Everything else is pretty much up for debate. Satanism itself is not a cause, rather it is a tool for advancing ourselves and those people and things which we deem to be of merit. Hence the Church of Satan first endorses autonomy for the individual as a primary, allowing the individual to then decide for himself what political viewpoints are most agreeable to him. If an individual decides that he attains pleasure through participation in political advocacy movements and organizations, he should realize that it is his own pleasure in participation that is the goal and the Satanic aspect of his actions, not necessarily the political agendas he is working to achieve.
Thus, the Church of Satan will not “fade” because we do not need to win any external approval to exist. We as an organization only need to continue as we have for over four decades to offer the tools through which our members may see through the conceptual traps that enslave the masses.
This article was a joint effort of the Hierarchy of the Church of Satan.

The Church of Satan's Policy on Drug Abuse

The Church of Satan's Policy on Drug Abuse

From time to time, we see people approaching the Church of Satan with questions regarding the Church’s policy against illegal drug use, attempting to characterize the freewheeling use and abuse of such substances as being Satanic and, in effect, challenging the Church of Satan’s negative stance.
This is all quite simple. The Church of Satan does not condone illegal activities. If the use of certain drugs is illegal in your country of residence, they are just that: illegal.
Individuals who choose to ignore this and break the law do so at their own peril. Their actions as individuals shall not be construed as being sanctioned by the Church of Satan. Furthermore, they must pay the dire yet fully predictable consequences they have brought down upon themselves. The Church of Satan is not responsible for their actions, and will not be used as an excuse for their lawless behavior. Responsibility to the responsible. If you are one of these lawbreakers, you are on your own. You make your own personal choice as to what you do as an individual. We make our own personal choices, as individuals, with regard to how we view you, based on the choices you make and your resultant behavior.
[Illegal] actions [are]
not sanctioned by
the Church of Satan.”
If a substance is legal, a Satanist may or may not choose to indulge in it. “Indulgence, NOT compulsion” is your guide. Since survival is the highest law, the Satanist will not ruin or poison his or her body, even if it is legal to do so. This is an important distinction. Self-destructive, suicidal hedonism—via whatever means—is ultimately un-Satanic as it threatens the very thing a Satanist holds most dear: his own life. There is no mystical “Scoreboard in the Sky” dictating whether such an act is Wrong or Right; it simply IS, and dead brain cells, blackened lungs and non-functional livers are not a matter of opinion.
There are those who would try to convince you that our founder, Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, had a more tolerant attitude toward illegal street drugs than that of the current Church of Satan administration—or that Dr. LaVey wasn’t always against drug use and came to this position later in his life. Thanks to the large body of writings and interviews which he left for us, that is easily disproved.
The following are quotes from Anton Szandor LaVey arranged in chronological order, beginning with one from a newspaper article during his “Magic Circle” days, just prior to the founding of the Church of Satan.
Alameda County Weekender, publication date: February 12, 1966.
… At any rate, there is no doubt that the manufacture of love potions (above) and their drinking (below) is very nearly as old as love itself. As to what goes into them, aside from a large dose of suggestion, that is one of the secrets of the profession. LaVey, however, does not hesitate to point out that nothing narcotic is among the ingredients. In fact, the use of any narcotics has no place in magic as LaVey sees it. “It is true that drugs have been used in magic and in certain religious practices and still are by some,” he says. “The use of the peyote ritual in certain Indian churches—and which has been recently adjudged legal—is an example. But for our purposes the use of drugs would be definitely harmful.” How serious he is on this point is shown by his attitude on LSD. “Like opium, marijuana, heroin and so forth, it ought to be shunned like the plague”—an interesting observation in view of some of his paintings which, despite a definite beauty, are so macabre that they look like the production of a Left Bank artist who had subsisted for weeks on a diet of absinthe and laudanum.
From The Satanic Witch, originally titled The Compleat Witch, publication date: 1970.
“Let me state categorically at this point that drugs are antithetical to the practice of magic, as they tend to disassociate the user from reality, even though he oftentimes thinks himself closer.”
Letters From the Devil*, publication date: January 10th, 1971
“The official stand of the Church of Satan on the subject of drugs is vehement opposition! Asking me to provide you with drugs is like asking a hippie to give an eulogistic speech on the merits of big business.”
Letters From the Devil, published in 1971
“You obviously have a good mind and possess the potential to attain, through proper training, your self-godhead. Don’t throw it all away for cheap miracles; drugs are NOT the answer nor even the first step. They are, instead, a step backwards for any aspiring magician.” From an interview in Black Magic, Satanism and Voodoo by Dr. Leo L. Martello, publication date: 1972.
“...drugs are great for slaves, but no good for the masters. The glories attained through a drug experience are no more valid than the meaningless baubles with which the status-seeking drone surrounds himself... Those who eulogize on unfoldment gained through drugs have obviously been insensitive to such awareness-provoking stimuli as complete sexual fulfillment, beautiful music, inspirational literature, etc. The excuse that certain drugs are a necessary adjunct to the practice of magic is quite lame...
“I consider drug abuse a polite alternative to suicide. Perhaps one day euthanasia will be be made attractive enough and the drug problem will be solved.”
From The Church of Satan by Blanche Barton, publication date: 1990.
Taking drugs is another issue the public seems to wrongly associate with modern diabolical rites. In his description for the purpose of the Ninth Enochian Key, LaVey states that it “warns of the use of substances, devices or pharmaceuticals which might lead to the delusion and subsequent enslavement of the master.” Contrary to religious propaganda, drugs are not part of Satanic ceremonies or lifestyles because, LaVey claims, Satanists want to heighten their senses, not dull them. “We resist mindlessness of any kind. Again, drugs, like television, are fine for other people. The more enslaved they are, the easier it is for us, as long as they stay out of our way. Whether it’s through religiously-imposed ignorance, spectator sports, crack, pot, coke, heroin—or the consumer insecurities imposed by the almighty Tube—it’s fine with us as long as it keeps sheep more docile and easily contained. That doesn’t mean we have to subject ourselves to it. Military generals don’t step out on the missile range and volunteer as targets for the latest prototype weapons.”
So, when somebody tries to convince you that Anton LaVey “secretly” held beliefs and opinions that were demonstrably in contradiction to the writings he continued to produce during his entire adult life, it’s time to get out a barrel of salt, not merely a grain. The current administration of the Church of Satan thus maintains the policy originated by Dr. LaVey himself.
quod erat demonstrandum
This article was a joint effort of the Hierarchy of the Church of Satan
*“Letters From the Devil” was a syndicated column written by Anton Szandor LaVey and published in The National Insider. At times he answered questions from his readers or commented on mail which he received.

Satanic Bunco Sheet

Satanic Bunco Sheet

Because Anton LaVey has made Satanism so popular, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. If you’re new to the Realm of Darkness, suddenly feeling the fires of Satan burning within you, be warned: there are unethical individuals out there who will prey upon you, claim to teach you how to become a Great Black Magician overnight, who will promise instructional fellowship and activities with “True Masters,” who may claim unverifiable links with the Church of Satan or other such lineage. With the continued expansion of the Internet, this situation has multiplied geometrically, so your vigilance will continue to be tested as you walk along this cyber-midway. We expect that you will develop the cold-reading abilities of a Carney, rather than the naïveté of the mark. To that end, dear apprentice, we’re showing you some of the ropes. Here’s a tip sheet to recognize pseudo- and anti-Satanic groups that have sprouted up since LaVey started the original Church of Satan:
Be Warned! There are
unethical individuals out there
who will prey upon you…”
  1. When someone claims to have a direct line of communication with Satan, watch out. Selling that kind of mysticism is exactly how Christianity has kept people enslaved in ignorance for centuries. It’s one of the things we’re fighting against.
  2. Look out for jargon and secrets to which only the “initiated” can be privy. Once you’re processed through the lengthy and strictly-enforced “degree system,” you’ll discover there are really no answers, just more gobbledygook. If they have something worthwhile to say, they’ll say it. If they don’t, they’ll pretend they do anyway.
  3. Check the copyright date. Much of the esoterica you may receive from supposed Masters as “wisdom” or “revelation” comes directly from Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan, or our affiliates. Don’t accept the inducements you may receive as emanating from some great brain, when they most likely were cribbed from material released by us weeks, months or years ago. If mainstream writers crib material daily, it can be expected that occultnik hacks would be the first to do likewise. The difference between legit writers doing it and Daimon Oleaginous doing it is that the “Daimon” sprinkles his articles with sour-grapes attacks on the Church of Satan while stealing from us. That’s Christianity—tearing down the “other guys,” who don’t have the “true message.” It boils down to more parasitism; without us these ersatz Satanists would shrivel up and blow away.
  4. The most parasitic “Satanic” newsletters invariably contain a liberal dose of LaVey-baiting. Their editors’ masochistic requirements are exercised as “lively exchange.” Their mainstay is often the reprinting of any letter, pro or con, from anyone capable of grasping a writing implement or poking at a computer or typewriter key. When responding to such transparent tactics, it’s our policy to preface rebuttals with two acknowledgments:
    1. “I know you’re a masochist and delight in hostile banter,” and
    2. “Anything I write or say to you will keep you going for another six months.” The Satanic Bible advises to “question all things”—but it helps to be able to think, first.
  5. Most pseudo-Satanic groups are short-lived, running out of money, enthusiasm or suckers before too long. An easier game comes along and they’re off in a new direction.
  6. How do they deal with Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan? This is tricky—some current groups play the Christian game of handing out laurels with one hand while stabbing their progenitor in the back with the other. Others aren’t so subtle, boldly claiming to be the “true” or “evolved” Church of Satan. To make their rationale work, they must somehow convince you that the author of The Satanic Bible wasn’t practicing pure Satanism, that his Church has gone awry in the hands of his successors, and that their new (or “authentically historic”) brand is now the straight stuff. Still others just ignore Anton LaVey altogether and hope you won’t notice. There are those who appropriate elements of the Church of Satan, as well as those who pretend to be the Church of Satan. Their bids for attention range from clumsily photocopied newsletters to slick websites. Don’t be fooled by unauthorized Grottos, phony Orders of the Trapezoid, Silly Intercommunication Networks, First (Second or Third) Churches of Satan, various and sundry Pathetic Priests (almost always of the “High” variety—Anton LaVey once asked, “Where are all the Low Priests?”), Mangy Magisters and other bogus diabolists who are cruising for malicious business interference lawsuits while demonstrating their lack of originality. Their game is to get your attention (it is their life’s blood), and then to separate you from your money. They know little of Satanism, but to the extent that they successfully fleece the rubes, there is at least a faint glimmer of understanding.
  7. Be wary of the approach of “You probably aren’t smart enough to join us.” The only way you can prove them wrong is by joining! From the first material you get, you feel you have to prove and defend yourself. Don’t be fooled by flashy web graphics, big words, nice typing and/or fancy paper...and plenty of it. True Satanism builds the ego, it doesn’t tear it down.
  8. Beware of cults offering sex orgies and drugs, or killing animals in the name of Satan. As you well know, these are not part of Satanic practices. The leaders are copying the lame-brain spook stories from Geraldo or Oprah and obviously know less than you do. Use common sense. Don’t let someone take advantage of you for his or her own perversity; examine motives carefully.
  9. Carefully examine any groups who set themselves up as intermediaries between you and Satanism, who claim that they can instruct you on how to be a Satanist. Anton LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible, as well as his other works, in such a manner so that they can be directly understood—they are carnal and non-esoteric. No “teacher” is needed, no “guru” must interpret his words for you. If you are a Satanist, you’ll resonate with the concepts in his writings and know that this label is proper for the person you already are—you’re born a Satanist, you don’t become one. Legitimate Grottos of the Church of Satan do at times conduct discussion groups, where those who have identified themselves as Satanists may discuss the application of the ideas presented in our basic literature. Those who offer courses to “teach” you about Satanism are attempting to fleece the gullible. Buy Anton LaVey’s books, view his videos, listen to his music, and explore the works by other Satanic leaders who he has inspired. Use your own wits to grasp them, as Dr. LaVey intended, and laugh at those foolish enough to waste their money on pompous professors.
  10. Some other groups to watch out for:
    1. Feminist, Wiccan-oriented, consciousness-raising groups who practice more male-bashing than magic;
    2. New Age groups that promote LaVeyan concepts, but shun the dreaded “S” word;
    3. Jargon-laden Christians masquerading as Satanists;
    4. Pen-pal or lonely hearts social groups pretending to be elitists performing powerful Satanic rituals.
    All of the above are subject to bitch-fights, petty jealousies, and rivalries. They are safe havens for small-minded people trying to play head games, preferring the protection of groups rather than really working to apply what Anton LaVey wrote.
    This is not to say that all groups are counterproductive to Satanism as a movement; there are many which are productive, supportive branches of the Church of Satan. Like various divisions of the same army, these distinct Grottos and Orders may emphasize one Satanic image over another, but they are all aligned, in communication and working toward the same goals.
    But you must be prepared to sort the truth from the misinformation. Don’t be fooled by self-declared “Masters,” whether they’re wearing white robes or black. They are attempting to misdirect and subvert whatever you’ve developed in the way of ego or identity. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Knowing this, if you choose to affiliate with any pseudo-Satanic or anti-Satanic groups, you may well find yourself disaffiliated from the Church of Satan. Forewarned is forearmed.


Church of Satan Youth Communiqué

Due to the high volume of mail that we receive from young people who are new to Satanism, we have put together some information to help answer your specific questions and concerns.
If you have read our books, you know that Satanism isn’t about taking drugs, and it isn’t about harming animals or children. Unlike many religions and philosophies, Satanism respects and exalts life. Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious in the eyes of the Satanist. Besides, it is very un-Satanic to take any creature’s life against its will. It is equally un-Satanic to cloud your brain and impair your judgment with mind-altering substances. A real magician has no need of those kinds of things, as he should be able to bring about changes in consciousness by the very power of his Will and imagination.
Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and [are] held sacred and precious…”
If you have not yet read The Satanic Bible, you should do so. It has much more information regarding our attitude toward Satan, and will give you a clearer idea of our philosophy, ideals, and goals. Perhaps at first they will be difficult for you to understand, because you may have been raised in an environment that dictates that God=Good and Satan=Evil. The truth is that good and evil are often terms that people twist to suit their own purposes. Sometimes people will lie and try to make you think certain things just so you will do what they want you to do. Always remember that the final judgment is yours. That is both a great freedom and a great responsibility. For us, Satan is a symbol of the power of that choice.
There is no one way that a Satanist is “supposed” to be. Uniqueness and creativity are encouraged here, not mindless conformity. It doesn’t matter what kind of music you like to listen to; it doesn’t make any difference whether you prefer gothic music, black metal music, classical music, old popular tunes, show tunes, or many different types of music. It doesn’t matter what style of clothes you like to wear. You don’t have to wear black, or t-shirts with “Heavy Metal” band logos, or trench coats. There is not an “official” Satanic music and style of dress, and you should beware of people who claim otherwise. What does matter is that you are a mature, sensitive, self-aware individualist who revels in the Darkness, and who wishes to align yourself with others who share your views. In this world of prefabricated, media-saturated, unoriginal drones, it is up to the Satanist to cherish, maintain, and preserve true individuality and creativity. Satan represents freedom from hypocrisy, from convenient lies, and challenges that which is presumed to be true. His image of pride, strength, and defiance, inspires us to our own strengths.
That said, let’s address some of your most commonly asked questions:

“How old do I have to be to join the Church of Satan?”

You may become a member of the Church of Satan when you are legally of adult age in the nation in which you live. This is not meant as a judgment of your maturity; we’ve received letters and e-mails from 14-year-olds who had a distinct, mature grasp of Satanism. But we must be realistic about the world around us. Our society has become one in which people frequently pull scams and try to make money through law suits based on false claims. We cannot risk exposing our members and organization to such possibilities. One reason is that we don’t want to become a haven for the kind of sanctimonious perverts that Christian churches and other “Good Guy Badge” forums (such as Big Brother/Big Sister, Boy Scouts, etc.) often are. There are a lot of sick people out there, and we don’t want our vital young Satanists to become victims of twisted adults who are more interested in contacting young kids than they are in practicing Satanism. Another reason is because your parents or other adults in your life may not understand or might be hostile toward your exploration of this religion. They may try to cause trouble for us, falsely accusing us of any number of things, just because they feel threatened. So, we simply cannot allow anyone under the legal age of consent to join the Church of Satan. The only exception to this rule would be if your parents or legal guardians are already members in good standing.

“Do I have to become a member to be a ‘real’ Satanist?”

All you have to do to be a real Satanist is start living like one. Dr. LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible so that people could pick up a copy, read it, and know everything they need to know about Satanism and how to put it to work in their own lives. Most people who choose to become members do so as a symbolic act to themselves, to formally align themselves with others of like mind, and to show their support for a philosophy and way of life they agree with. It is a purely personal decision—we don’t solicit memberships. But actual membership usually conveys to others that you are serious about your beliefs, and that you know enough about it to have read Dr. LaVey’s works and align yourself with his spearhead organization. It usually grants you a certain amount of respect as an authority. If you were going to speak as a member of the Church in a public forum, you should actually be one. But as far as benefiting from Satanism in your life, or defending true Satanism, those are the rights and responsibilities of every Satanist, “official” or not.

“My parents and friends don’t understand me, and don’t approve of my interest in Satanism. How can I make them accept my beliefs & where can I go to perform my rituals?”

Unfortunately, most young Satanists face this problem. Few of us are lucky enough to have sympathetic parents, or others around like ourselves. However, as long as you are living under your parents’ roof and they are feeding and taking care of you, you do owe them a degree of consideration. Offer to let them read your books, and talk about what misunderstandings they may have from T.V. talk shows and Christian propaganda. But you can’t force anyone to understand what, for you, is an obvious and magical revelation. If Satanism offends others who have necessary control over your life right now, do your studies and rituals in private. If you don’t have a place at home where you can be alone, find a special spot on the beach, in a field, or in the woods where you can ritualize when you need to. While you are understandably enthusiastic about your new-found religion, it is not very Satanic to make yourself miserable by creating a problem with your parents when you have to live in the same house together, or at school where your real goal may be to aggravate those in authority in the guise of “expressing your individuality.”
Practice Lesser Magic. Remember that a competent Satanic magician should be able to size up any situation and weigh his choices of action to bring about desired results. Enthusiasm is certainly encouraged and appreciated, however Satanism asks no one to be a martyr. And keep in mind that most people simply aren’t going to understand because, ultimately, they don’t want to. That is as it should be. Satanism is not for everyone. Satan, as depicted in myth and literature, by his very nature walks alone. He is therefore the embodiment of the true individualist, the outcast. This doesn’t mean that you cannot care about those who are close to you; Satan also represents love, kindness and respect to those who deserve it. It just means that you should not concern yourself with people who do not approve of you. Revel in your uniqueness; be proud of who and what you are. Achieve all you can with the strength and determination of Satan himself coursing proudly through your veins. When Satanism leads to positive changes in your accomplishments and attitude, your parents and other adults around you will notice. The best way you can represent Satanism, at any age, is by providing a living example of how the diabolical arts have made you a stronger, more focused, joyful person. The results will speak louder than any logical argument you can present.

“Is it better to study and ritualize alone, or to work with others?”

Unless you are able to find others who are as knowledgeable about Satanism as you are, it is better to work alone. If you do choose to ritualize with others, you must make certain that they are 100% clear on what Satanism is all about. If they are into it just out of curiosity or for thrills, they’ll detract from your ritual. Many young Satanists find they have one close, magical friend who they feel they can work with, but usually one of you is actually magically stronger and more sincere, and chances are that’s you, since you’re the one who has gone through the trouble of actually contacting the Church of Satan. It’s often best for you to work and study alone, guided by the material in our literature, rather than have your magic and concentration diluted by would-be friends. As the saying goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. What that means in this case is that if you perform rituals with others who are not as serious and dedicated as you are, they will hinder your magic, not strengthen it. Many adult Satanists work and study alone by choice. Finding a true magical partner can be stimulating and rewarding, but if you need such a person in your magical progression, you’ll perhaps conjure one up (see Herman Hesse’s Demian or Illusions by Richard Bach).
Don’t be disturbed or frightened or think you’re crazy when you feel at one with the Dark Ones you conjure forth, or by the magical results you begin to produce. You’re not crazy for feeling the way you do about the hypocrisy, blindness and incompetence you see all around you. Nor are you crazy to see the results of your magic. When in ritual, approach the Infernal Ones with the proper degree of respect and decorum. You’ll find that your “daemonic guide” is an aspect within you—don’t look for it outside. You just have to contact that part of yourself and listen to it, the instinctual element of your consciousness. That is the most important work anyone can do. Also take care to keep your sense of skepticism and questioning outside the ritual chamber. Faith and credulousness are weaknesses of spiritual religions, and have no place in the Satanist’s tools for understanding the world.

“Do I need all the things mentioned in The Satanic Bible to do my rituals?”

You don’t need everything mentioned in Dr. LaVey’s books to do an effective ritual. Maybe you don’t have the money to obtain—or the private space to store—items such as swords, chalices, black robes, gongs, and elaborate altars. Ritual is theatre meant to stimulate your emotions, so you may vary the details to suit your personal needs and situation. Sometimes the most effective ritual chamber is found in your own imagination, with your eyes closed and your Will focused—the theatre of the mind.
Here, because many have requested it, is a powerful, yet simple, ritual you can perform and all you need is a quiet place where you can be alone, a Sigil of Baphomet, either as a medallion or as a picture, and a single black candle. Be sure the candle is placed in a safe holder so that there is no danger of fire:
Light the candle and set it before you. Place the medallion or picture of the Sigil of Baphomet so that it is visible just above and safely beyond the flame of the candle. Sit up straight, breathe deeply and relax. Clear your mind of all outside thoughts. As you gaze at the flame, say in your mind or out loud, “I am ready, oh Dark Lord. I feel your strength within me and wish to honor you in my life. I am one of the Devil’s Own. Hail Satan!” Open your mind; look within. You may shift your gaze from the flickering flame into the eyes of the goat in the Sigil, and sense your essential self reflected in it. When you feel you’ve reached that primal part of yourself, and that the words you spoke ring with truth, speak the words “So it is done,” with intensity and conviction. Breathe deeply again. As you exhale, blow out the candle. You may then place the medallion on a necklace and wear it openly or hidden, or if you used a picture, store it in a private place until the next time you choose to perform this ritual.
It will take time. You may think you are ready, but you may still find you cannot let go right away. Concentrate on your image of Satan and on the word “strength” and listen to what comes up from yourself. You have answers for yourself that no one else can give you. This is a simple way of aligning yourself with what Satan means to us, discovering that in yourself, and it will help you in finding the stamina and courage to guide yourself to greater achievements. The path you’ve chosen won’t be easy; sometimes it may be a nightmare. But when you are ready to face the challenge, it will be there.

A few final words:

Just because you are not yet legally an adult doesn’t mean that you cannot explore on your own these Dark Realms that are opening before you. This is a very potent, magical time. You decided to write to us or read our web site for a reason, and right now you are going through an initiation into the Black Arts that must be all your own. Your body and your mind are going through intense changes. Take this time to learn all you can—about yourself and about the world around you. Explore your skills, talents, and inventiveness. Learn to play music, paint, or even build a robot. Study the subjects that can bring you wisdom about the human animal and the world around you: psychology, history, anthropology, sociology, the arts, literature, and the hard sciences. Use your brain and your heart to find out what is right, what is true, and what will make you stronger. You are not alone. You are different; you are superior, and it’s okay for you to feel that way. You see what others do not; you know what evil lurks in the hearts of men.
Don’t settle for white-light nonsense just because you can’t actively participate with other “official” Satanists right now. Don’t fill your mind and dilute your magic with crap. Don’t believe someone who simply claims to know more about Satanism than you do. You’re the one who contacted us; you might even join eventually. You may know more, if you have read and studied our literature. A friend your age who hasn’t probably doesn’t know nearly as much about real magic as you do. An adult who claims special powers and who says he can initiate you into the Dark Realms is probably just looking to fuel his own ego (or wallet). Satanism doesn’t require a teacher, since our literature is clearly written and can be understood by anyone with an open mind.
Read our Bunco Sheet carefully so that you won’t be taken advantage of, and look over the rest of our information. You don’t have to join our organization; to be a true Satanist all you have to do is start living like one. Don’t complicate your life by pushing when it isn’t necessary. It may be wise to keep this interest to yourself. There are prejudiced people who might stand in the way of your goals if they know you consider yourself to be a Satanist. Always keep in mind that Satanism is a tool for enhancing your life—it is not a cause. Our fundamental principle is of self-interest.
This waiting period is also a test for you, to see if Satanism really is a reflection of your true nature. If it is, then you will strengthen that understanding through the application of our principles towards success in your endeavors. If your interest in Satanism is just a passing phase, then that too will become clear and you will freely move on to explore other philosophies and religions which are better suited to your unique perspective.
Your family and friends might be concerned at first because they’ve been brainwashed about what Satanism is. If they love you, when they see the positive changes that occur due to your new dedication to Satanism (and most of all, to yourself) they’ll try to understand and support you. And when you reach the age when membership becomes possible, the time spent in study and in refining your talents will make you worthy to earn your place in our group of highly capable individuals. Ultimately, your status within the Church of Satan will be based on your real accomplishments in the outside world. The Church of Satan will be here when you are ready, and if your commitment is strong and sincere, you will benefit from this time on your own. We’ve all taken that journey and it has tempered us. In the meantime, our web site will keep you informed of developments and literature that will be food for thought and for your growth as a Satanist.
Best wishes for further success and fulfillment. We know that you are with us.
Copyright © by the Church of Satan. This text may not be reproduced without permission. Original text by Priestess Marge Bauer. Edited and expanded by Magus Peter H. Gilmore. Current version posted 2 February, XLI A.S.